Interested in advertising your rental properties?

Any landlord or property manager is welcome to advertise on

  • You are billed upfront and annually, according to how many rentals units you own/manage. Property managers will be billed per landlord for advertising. The chart below shows applicable charges per landlord.
  • You may post pictures and need to provide all amenities (how many bedrooms, baths, basement, garage, fenced yard, if pets are allowed, security deposit required, pet deposits required, etc.)
  • There is no limit on how many properties you can post at one time, but you may only actively list VACANT/ SOON TO BE VACANT PROPERTIES.
  • You are required to maintain you own listings and keep them current. Once a property is rented it needs to be removed from the active listings within 5 days.

Download sign up form below:

Discounted rates are significant to CKLA members!

Please contact a board officer for more information:

Jill Gumble, President 620-474-0389
Loxi Sykes, Vice President 620-474-4373
Claudia Glass, Treasurer 620-259-0260
Julie Case, Secretary 620-474-0484
Robin Jackson 620-960-4392
Matthew Kellman 620-594-0397

# of units
1-5 units
6-25 units
26-75 units
75 or more

CKLA member

Non member